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Вольфрамовая проволока для нитей

Pure tungsten wire is produced typically for re-straightening into rod products and for applications where there is a low alkali content requirement.
  • WAL-1.


  • WAL-1.

  • Черный, очищенный

  • Приветствовал

  • Осветительная промышленность

We produce two types of tungsten wire - Pure tungsten wire and WAL (K-Al-Si doped) tungsten wire.

Pure tungsten wire is produced typically for re-straightening into rod products and for applications where there is a low alkali content requirement.

WAL tungsten wire which has been doped with trace amounts of potassium has an elongated interlocking grain structure with non-sag properties after recrystallization. WAL tungsten wire is produced in sizes from less than 0.02mm up to 6.5mm in diameter and is used largely for lamp filament and wire filament applications.

Tungsten wire is spooled on clean, defect free spools. For very large diameters, tungsten wire is self coiled. Spools are level filled without piling near flanges. The outer end of the wire is properly marked and attached securely to the spool or self coil.

Tungsten Wire Application:

Тип Имя Добрый Приложения
WAL1 Nonsag tungsten wires L Used in making single coiled filaments, filaments in fluorescent lamps and other components.
B Used in making coiled coil and filaments in High power incandescent bulb, stage decoration lamp, heating filaments, halogen lamp, special lamps etc.
T Used in making special lamps, exposition lamp of copy machine and lamps used in automobiles.
WAL2 Nonsag tungsten wires J Used in making filaments in incandescent bulb, fluorescent lamp, heating filaments, spring filaments, grid electrode, gas-discharge lamp, electrode and other electrode tubes parts.

Chemical Compositions:
Тип Добрый Содержание вольфрама (%) Общее количество примесей (%) Содержание каждого элемента (%) Содержание калиума (PPM)
Wal1. L > = 99,95 <= 0,05 <= 0,01 50 ~ 80.
B 60 ~ 90.
T 70 ~ 90.
 Wal2. J 40 ~ 50.
Примечание. Калий не следует принимать в виде примеси, а порошок вольфрама должен быть промыты кислотой.

Изображение вольфрамовых проводов в разных условиях поверхности:

вольфрамовые провода с черной поверхностью         вольфрамовые провода с очищенной поверхностью

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